Passion 4 Fitness Studio

Tips Before You Get Started

​​The best advice I can give you is "keep going".

1. The 7 for 7 Challenge will dramatically changes our lifestyle and food habits. Giving up alcohol, caffeine, and sugar can be challenging during the first few days. When you keep going, you gradually experience more and more of the benefits of the program as you support your body’s natural detox pathways.

You may experience headaches the first couple of days, however they will subside and you will feel better.

“Stick with it! The cravings really do subside and nothing tastes as good as healthy feels:)”

2. Be proactive and get yourself prepared
The second best piece of advice is to get prepared. Come up with a "why" you are doing this challenge and let it not just about losing weight. For example: My why is to also feel great and form healthy habits that stick with me after the challenge.

“Put yourself in the most conducive environment that you can. Don’t do the cleanse during an extremely stressful time, family crisis, or the holidays, when you will not be in your own home environment.”

Make sure you understand all the requirements and guidelines before the challenge start, read and watch all information relating to the program. Follow the plan as closely as you can and prioritize your eating above all else for those 21 days.

3. Do the Pre-cleanse
The pre-cleanse is like the warmup phase of a workout. When you jump into a workout too quickly you risk pulling a muscle. Take three days before you start your program to switch over to the cleanse diet and remove caffeine. This simple pre-cleanse will prime your body and get you ready for the full program.

4. Take a Before and After Photo
There’s nothing like evidence to see how much you’ve changed. A picture can show the outer benefits of the program like less bloating, weight loss, clearer skin, brighter eyes, and a reduction in inflammation and puffiness.

5. Every Meal is a New Start
If you mess up with your eating, just clean it up and keep moving forward. Do not allow shame or guilt to deter you from the benefit of finishing the program.

6. Change is Possible
It is possible to change habits and it is never too late to change, even the ones you think you are addicted to (not eating sugar, having coffee, eating bread). And it’s even possible to like new things like spinach.

7. Do It for Yourself
When you decide that you are worthy enough of your own love and care, incredible changes can happen. The 7 for 7 Challenge is one of the best tools to improve your health. The best part is that when you start feeling good, the by-product of doing the program for yourself is that you have more energy to contribute to others.

“Follow this program because you want to, not because clean eating is a fad. Remember that you deserve to have a healthy mind, body, and spirit and this is an amazing path to achieve that.”

Remember your Biggest Cheerleader is here for additional support, so feel free to contact me directly. 678.698.5216 "Your Girl" Connie Power